miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017


Science Questionnaire
4th grade

I.- Complete the definitions with the correct Word from the Word Bank.

1.-The level of organization smaller tan a tissue is a ____________.
2.-A human is an example of a ________________ animal.
3.-A plant that does not use sedes to reproduce must use ____________.
4.-Animals that develop into eggs, but then are born alive are called_________________.
5.-The liquid inside the cell that holds the smaller parts is the _______________________.
6.-__________________ capture the sun’s energy and make food for the plant.
7.- _________________contain a small plant inside that looks like the parent plant.
8.-______________protect the seeds of plants without flowers.
9.-_______________is the first thing seeds do before they become a plant.
10.-A group of organisms of the same species that live in an specific area is a __________________.
11.-A_______________ is a group of populations that interact in a specific place during a specific time.
12.-When several food chains are connected, the transfer of energy becomes more complex and a ________________ is formed.
13.- ________________ use the sunlight to obtain energy.
14.-The relationship between humming birds and flowers is called ___________________.
15.-When one species benefits and the other is affected the relationship is ____________________.
16.-_________________________ use energy from producers.
17.- The ________________________ organizes groups by number of individuals.

II.-Match the Word with the correct definition.

a.Reduce                                Place where all the garbage is taken.

b.Toxic                               Toxic chemicals used by farmers to keep                crops healthy.     

c.Recycle                          Substance that is poisonous and can affect organisms.

d.Landfill                            To decrease the amount of products we use and buy.
e.Pesticides                       Process in which used products are processed to make new ones.

III.-Cpmplete the sentence and use the correct Word.


1.- Ingestion, ______________, and _______________ are steps of the digestión process.
2.-Respiration is the process of ___________ and ____________ gases.
3.-____________, ______________ and _______________ are all parts of the skin.
4.- Th enerves thast transport information about odors are called ________________ nerves, the ones that carry images are the ____________ nerves. And the ones that carry information about sounds are the ________________ nerves.
5.-To take care of our body we should have ____________________, healthy ______________________ and ___________________ routines.
6.-The process of a solid changin into a liquid is called ______________.
7.-_______________ is the ability of a solid to dissolve into a liquid.
8.-The process of a gas changing into a liquid is called _____________________.
9.-____________________ is the flow of energy from warmer objects to colder objects.
10.-___________________ is a mixure of a solute(s) and a solvent.
11.- The ________________ of an object tell u show much matter is inside it.

12.- Heat moves through space by _____________________.

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